An Outstanding school

The 2022 report is remarkably consistent with that of the previous full ISI Inspection in 2014, in praising ÑÇÖÞȺp as an outstanding school. The following paragraphs lay out the extent of the school’s and the pupils’ achievements. We hope you enjoy reading them.

"Pupils emerge as confident, self-motivated, high level learners."

"Pupils are confident to speak out on intellectual matters and display mature skills of reflection. This is supported by a skilled staff body who teach with pace and high expectations."

"Pupils behave well and care for and respect others, are secure in their values and are ready and willing to play their full part in society… Strong relationships between staff and pupils are an important contributory factor to this excellence."

1. The quality of the pupils’ academic and other achievements is excellent.

• Pupils gain a strong base in knowledge skills and understanding which they build on to make rapid progress and achieve excellent results in academic work and extracurricular activities.

• Pupils are exceptionally well driven to succeed, and this motivates them to work hard.

• Pupils’ communication skills are very well developed.

• Pupils achieve high standards in numeracy and information and communication technology.

2. The quality of the pupils’ personal development is excellent.

• Pupils have strong moral values, coexist harmoniously and are not afraid to challenge bad behaviour.

• Pupils respect and celebrate diversity within the school community.

• Pupils’ social responsibility is well developed as shown in their contribution to the lives of others inside and beyond the school.

• Pupils are reflective and thoughtful showing very well developed spiritual understanding.

3. Pupils of all abilities, including those with Special Educational Needs and Disability, make rapid progress at all levels, and their achievements in relation to their abilities are high… The excellent achievement of pupils demonstrates a successful fulfilment of the school’s aim of seeking to discover and develop the talents of its pupils so that they emerge as confident, self-motivated, high level learners.

4. There is a culture in the school where the pupils are confident to speak out on intellectual matters and display mature skills of reflection. This is supported by a skilled staff body who teach with pace and high expectations.

5. Pupils’ well developed communication skills are supported through an academic culture which enables pupils to take risks with their input in class, through skilled teacher questioning to elicit more detail in answers and promote greater analysis in discussion. The written work is supported by careful teacher planning, and feedback through assessment which is then put into practice by the pupils.

6. Pupils are confident that they can take a question however big or small to an attentive and interested staff body.

7. Pupils spoke of how much they achieve personally from the school’s extracurricular programme.

In January 2018, the School was subject to a routine Compliance Inspection, and we are delighted to be able to say that ÑÇÖÞȺp passed (no higher description is awarded by ISI for a Compliance Inspection) with flying colours.